1、加速重建时间(Make rebuild time faster)
2、真正的向后兼容性(True backward compatibility)

3、槽匹配(Slot mate)
4、圆柱配合需要选择锁定旋转(Cylindrical mates need an option to lock rotation)

5、eDrawings的移动应用程序提供Android设备版本(Provide a version of the eDrawings mobile app for Android devices)

6、提供等距线性模式选项(Option for equal spacing on linear patterns)
7、默认同心配合轴的圆柱面(Default concentric mate for axis to cylindrical surface)

8、所有线程类型的外螺纹向导(External thread wizard for all thread types)
9、绘制线段的中点开始(Draw a line segment starting from the midpoint)

10、为尺寸标注角度创建辅助线(Create auxiliary line for dimensioning angles)
